After effects important Shortcuts

Shortcuts to create Layers ⚙

► Create a comp - ctrl + N
► Create a solid layer - ctrl + Y
► Create a adjustment layer - ctrl + Alt + Y
► Create null object - ctrl + alt + shift + Y

Shortcuts to Align Anchor point ⚙

► Bring anchor point to the center of the object - Ctrl + Alt + Home
► Bring an object to the center of the comp - Ctrl + Home

Shortcuts for layers properties ⚙

► Position - P
► Scale - S
► Rotation - R
► Opacity - T
► Audio Level - L
► Audio Waveform - LL
► Anchor Point - A
► Effects - E
► Keyframes U

Learning shortcut will help you fasten up your workflow in After Effects. So learn it as soon as possible.

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